ArtBanking is a service providing assistance in the field of art.
It is designed for you, UniCredit Bank private banking clients, who see art as an investment alternative or as an aesthetic and collector's item. You can use the service either as a beginner or as an experienced collector.
We will be happy to help you with your individual requests (buying or selling a piece of art), as well as with your long-term plans (building a collection).
UniCredit Bank is the first bank in the Czech Republic to have a permanent internal advisor in the field of art, since 2007.
We publish ArtBanking Bulletin – a printed magazine dedicated to the world of art and the art market.
If you are interested in Art Banking, please contact me.
Marina Votrubová
Senior Art Consultant
UniCredit Bank
nám. Republiky 3a
110 00 Prague 1
Tel: 724 534 885