Applies for the most frequently used types of cards - Visa and MasterCard
3D Secure technology and transaction speed increase your trustworthiness and the volume of your online business.
Reduces the risk of fraudulent transactions or non-acceptance of goods that have already been paid for.
Enables execution of payments 24 hours a day.
Guarantees a much faster method of receiving payment as compared to mail order service.
Easily implemented in your online shop.
Payment portal
The basis of this service is an internet payment portal – a collection of software, hardware and organisational measures providing for communication between the global public internet network and global financial systems. The payment portal is operated for UniCredit Bank by Global Payments Europe, s.r.o., which is regarded by the MasterCard and VISA associations as a trustworthy third party and has the necessary certifications for these purposes.
Service benefits
A safe and fast payment method for payment card holders handling an increased volume of transactions made over the internet.
Simple implementation in your existing system.
Possibility to execute payments 24 hours a day.
Lower risk of non-acceptance of goods (and associated costs) that have already been paid for.
Reduced risk of fraudulent transactions – a degree of security for both the merchant and its customers that is the same as in the case of card payments made at a brick-and-mortar store.
A faster method of receiving payment for goods in comparison with mail order service.
Possibility to accept the most frequently used types of payment cards – MasterCard and VISA.
Growing sales resulting from customers’ greater trust in secure online shopping.
Minimal time requirements for executing and recording transactions made by payment cards.
More security for your customers
Compared to the existing methods of accepting payment cards over the internet, for which no additional security mechanisms are used other than protection of data transferred by SSL protocol, this new system offers increased security for both the cardholder and the merchant. The cardholder enters the payment card number and other card information only on the web pages of the payment portal. Details about the payment card thus are never entered into the internet retailer’s systems, thereby increasing cardholders’ confidence in the security of internet payments.
Reduced risks
The main advantage for the merchant is the reduced risk of payment claims. In the case of UniCredit Bank E-commerce services, which support 3D Secure, the issuer of the payment card loses the right to make a claim and potential losses from card misuse are compensated not by the merchant but by the issuing bank. If the merchant were not to use the 3D Secure payment portal, on the other hand, then in the majority of cases it may itself bear the costs connected with claims.
What cards are accepted by this method?
Cards issued by the following card associations:
The cardholder must be enabled by the issuing bank to execute transactions with the payment card over the internet. For certain types of cards, moreover, further verification of the holder by means of a password is required during a transaction (this concerns the so-called authentication for 3D Secure cards issued under MasterCard SecureCode, and Verified by Visa trademarks).
Information on rate structure
Based on an EU regulation which became effective on 9. 12. 2015, the Bank is obliged to offer clients a commission from the acceptance of payment cards in the Intechange fee (IF) Plus format.
IF – Fee for payment card issuer
+ - association costs
+ - bank’s costs + margin
The amount of VISA association costs for the acceptance of payment cards 0,184 %.
The amount of Mastercard association costs for the acceptance of payment cards 0,319 %.
IF - Fee for card issuer
Based on an EU regulation, European banks are obliged to offer commissions in the IF format (Fee for card issuer) plus (Cost of card association) plus (internal fee and bank margin). For information on the amount of particular IF, please read below:
MasterCard is split into 3 regions in Europe. According to the region where the payment card is issued and the method of payment card acceptance, the relevant fee for issuer will be used.
UniCredit Bank offers formats for electronic statements of transactions executed using payment cards. These statements are sent to your designated email address free of charge.
A description of the structure and format of electronic statements can be found here:
This specification contains very important information regarding encryption and passwords for opening statements as well as other important information, so please review the document carefully.
The selected format of listings or their combination, which will best suit your needs, should be reported to your bank advisor or in writing at the adress