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Make your loans cheaper by transferring them to our bank. Consolidate your existing loans, credit cards or bank overdrafts into one more favourable PRESTO Loan and save money. Owing to a reward for due repayment, you can cut your total costs of the PRESTO Loan and get an interest rate of only 2.6% p.a. for everyone.




What may your reward amount to?

Subject to the conditions, you can get a reward of CZK 30,000, CZK 40,000 or up to CZK 80,000 per each CZK 200,000 of your loan (excluding the charge for taking out a loan and the insurance of the ability to pay). The maximum amount of your reward can amount up to CZK 240,000.


Loan amount Reward after duly paid instalments
60 - 71 months 72 - 83 months 84 - 96 months
CZK 200,000
up to CZK 399,999
CZK 30,000 CZK 40,000 CZK 50,000
up to CZK 80,000
CZK 400,000
up to CZK 599,999
CZK 60,000 CZK 80,000 CZK 100,000
up to CZK 160,000
CZK 600,000 CZK 90,000 CZK 120,000 CZK 150,000
up to CZK 240,000


It’s easy to get a reward for due repayment

  • Take out a loan amounting to at least CZK 200,000 (excluding the charge for taking out a loan and the insurance of the ability to pay)
    With a 60 - 96-month maturity
  • You are also free to transfer just one loan or one credit card or bank overdraft
  • You can take out a loan beyond the refinanced amount, thus obtaining the maximum reward
  • Make due loan repayments
  • Don’t make early repayment of the entire loan or part thereof


Why take out a PRESTO Loan

  • Consolidate your existing loans, credit cards and bank overdrafts into one more favourable PRESTO Loan and save money
  • We will pay your charges for early repayments of your existing loans (subject to opening a current account and taking out insurance of the ability to pay)
  • The possibility of obtaining additional funds
  • The possibility of postponing instalments up to five times (starting with the tenth monthly payment)
  • The possibility of repaying the entire loan or a part thereof early
  • Insurance of the inability to pay with the choice of insured risk
  • You can get the loan in one single visit to the bank
  • Direct drawdown to your account immediately upon signing the contract


More information


Reprezentativní příklad: I want to borrow CZK 202,000. The total loan amount of CZK 237,688 includes a fee for provision of the loan of CZK 1,500 and a fee for insurance of CZK 34,188. The duration of the loan is 84 months. The interest rate is 7.90 % p.a. The amount of the monthly instalment is CZK 3,693. The annual percentage rate (APR) is 13.84% (provided the conditions for due repayment are not met). The total due amount is CZK 313,491 and, once the reward for due repayment is included, CZK 263,491, which corresponds to an interest rate of 2.6% p.a. The interest rate applies subject to taking out insurance of the ability to pay and opening an account with UniCredit Bank (or signed account mobility).


The interest rate for due repayment of only 2.6% p.a. corresponds to a loan of CZK 200,000, CZK 400,000 and CZK 600,000 with an 84-month maturity and an active insurance of the ability to pay.


The reward for due repayment of loan only applies to the PRESTO Loan - Loan Consolidation in the amount of at least CZK 200,000 (including potential increase by additional funds), even without taking out insurance of the ability to pay with a 60 - 84 month maturity, provided the entire loan or part thereof is not repaid early.


This offer is for informational purposes only; it does not represent a proposal to execute a contract.

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