Arranging bond issue
- Preparation of issuer’s prospectus and its review with the regulating authority.
- Preparation of the conditions relating to the bond issue.
- Bond issue preparations.
- Registration with Central Depository of Securities (Centrální depozitář cenných papírů).
- Launching on the relevant Stock Exchange market.
- Taking care of primary subscription.
- Services connected with trades in the secondary market.
Information concerning the selected issues of bonds
Bond issue administration
- Keeping records of the interest holders in collective bonds.
- Transferring individual interest in collective bonds.
- Acceptance of letter stocks in our care.
- Keeping asset accounts and sending statements of these accounts.
- Services of a calculation agent, i.e. calculation of coupons for the floating rate bonds.
- Arranging for an extract from the issuer registration of the Central Depository of Securities.
- Arranging for the payment of bond yields and redemption of the notional value.