One-off investments
Amundi mutual funds
Are you thinking about the way how to increase the value of your own funds but you are lacking information and time to fully engage in the financial market development? Do you want to have your funds professionally taken care of in the form of purchased units and at the same time to be able to sell them quickly if necessary? If you answered “yes” to both questions, we are offering you the opportunity of one-off investment!
Thanks to the one-off investment into the mutual funds managed by Amundi, you can choose from a wide range of funds investing into various asset classes (stocks, bonds, commodities and other kinds of assets) or various regionally or sector-oriented assets, including the dividend funds. However, you can also choose one of the widely diversified funds offering a suitable mix of the aforementioned.
Main parameters:
- chance to get an attractive yield
- flexibility – your funds usually available within 5 days, free of exit fees
- simple solution for everyone
- long-term professional experience and knowledge of the experts from Amundi, that has been managing finances for more than 100 million clients all around the world
This website is just informative, and it cannot be considered as a prospect, statute, or contract proposal. It does not represent individual investment advice or investment recommendation considering the individual situation of an investor.
The links to the official website of the investment company Amundi Asset Management intended for customers of UniCredit Bank are used exclusively to provide information about Amundi and its products. The product information published on the Amundi website is provided as a guide only, may change over time and may be updated by Amundi at any time without notice.
The Bank notifies its customers that the listed investment opportunities may not correspond to the positive target market of the investor - you may be outside the target market or even in the negative target market of the listed investment products. The target market can be evaluated based on the information provided by you in the investment questionnaire.
The rates, prices, yields, appreciation, performance, or other parameters achieved by each financial instrument in the past may not in any case serve as an indicator or warranty of future rates, prices, yields, appreciation, performance or other parameters of such or similar financial instrument. The investment always bears a risk of fluctuation in value and the return on the originally invested means is not guaranteed. Investors further bear the credit risk of a financial instrument issuer. Financial instruments denominated in foreign currencies are also exposed to fluctuations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates, which may have both a positive and a negative effect, in particular on their rates, prices, appreciation or yields arising from them. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of the investor and may be subject to the change in the future.
Detailed information about the rules on provision of investment services by a bank, risks associated with investment services and the principles of protecting investment banking clients is available in document Investment Services at UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia. Basic information on inducements as a potential source for conflict of interests is available in the document Conflict of Interest Policy. Archive of this information is available in MiFID - Archive documents. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with your respective contact point at the Bank.
Contact Bank (point of contact facility)
Public offer of investments in a foreign investment fund in the Czech Republic is conditioned by the establishment of a local point of contact.
Based on the relevant contractual arrangements, the Bank acts as local point of contact for the management companies and their funds listed below.
The activities of Contact Bank are bindigly regulated by the following documents of the Bank: