Forex & Rates
Currency Conversions
Currency conversion means the purchase or sale of one currency in exchange for another one at the agreed conversion rate which is normally settled within two business days. The deal can be agreed by phone through the dealing department or electronically by means of the UC Trader platform in all currencies included in the exchange list of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s. and in Chinese yuan.
If you have any extra money you wish to appreciate, you may use one of our deposit products. Our team of specialists will help you select a suitable product, taking into consideration the current market situation and your requirements (term or risk).
Deposit products:
Currency Hedging
Currency hedging is the basis of efficient cash-flow management and keeping the extra value for companies trading in foreign currencies. UniCredit Bank offers its clients a whole range of hedging instruments and strategies which eliminate the foreign exchange risk impacts on a business. Owing to our long-lasting experience and the wide geographical coverage of UniCredit in the world, we are able to deliver tailored solutions for major as well as exotic currencies. Our team of experienced specialists is ready to discuss individual business transactions or your overall currency risk management strategy with you.
Currency risk management tools:
Interest Rate Hedging
If you fear the adverse development of interest rates, you may use one of our hedging products. Our specialists will help you find a tailored solution to make your interest costs and corporate finance stable.
Interest rate risk management tools: